Mood: energetic
Start of the New Year
Since the New Year has rolled in I thought it was only appropriate to write about the all illusive "Weight Loss". All right, All right I can hear the groans and moans already. But this is a new year and summer is just around the corner. You should, NEY, you NEED to make sure that when you put on a swim suit other people don’t gag. This can be partially done by losing that little extra skin you have affectionately named. And play little games with when putting on clothes. To help with your new adventure there is a lot of information out on the internet. Several sites offer very helpful information to guide you on your path. Open most any search engine and type in subjects like weight loss or healthy living.
Knowing Your Body
Knowing your body is the most important aspect for any weight loss attempt. You must not only know the physical aspects of your being. But also knowing your mental stability when dealing with weight loss. Both factors combined will provide great success. The mental side of this process is what will stop you in your tracks. Knowing how to get over the mental block is imperative to this process. Setting short, tangible, specific goals will help in the mental preparation for the weight loss journey. A short goal would be something like I want to lose 5 pounds. Don’t get too excited this isn’t enough for successful follow through. Most people want to lose more than 5 pounds. But 5 pounds is something that can be met in a short, specific time frame. When setting the short goal you shouldn’t set your self up for disappointment either. Although 5 pounds is a huge goal when it comes to weight loss, would it be enough to provide gratification for your efforts? This is where the tangible part come is. The goal should be something that displays some sort of a result once the goal has been met. So instead of just losing 5 pounds up it to 10 pounds. This will allow you to see some very small results in your physical appearance (Clothes might fit not so tight). It is able to be obtained in a short period of time. Setting short goals which provides results will help to encourage your drive for more results.
Setting Goals
Being specific with your goal is the most important part of obtaining success. Knowing what you are willing to do will help you in realizing your limitations. Notice how I say "What YOU are willing to do". Don’t set general goals that you know with every part of your being you will never follow through with. Also don’t try to trick yourself by setting a goal like "I want to lose 50 pounds" or "I want to be able to run 6 miles". Although that might be the long term result of your hard work, it is not in anyway obtainable in a reasonable time frame. Nor is it specific enough to measure your results and reach a successful outcome.
Visit the following sites for information on either weight loss or nutrition:
Calorie Counter plus other helpful information.
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